Purrfect Ending Story:
Elijah has brought joy from the second I and my Mum brought him home. We got him especially for Mum who was battling cancer and wanted a kitty to love on. He loved her until she passed away and then completely bonded with my dad and they were inseparable until my dad passed as well. Then it was just me and Lij and my Calico cat, who also passed at the age of 21. Now it is just me and Lij and we are also inseparable…he goes kayaking and sailing and camping and biking and hiking…he has his own little tent inside my tent and a backpack with a viewing port that I call the astronaut backpack. He is getting up in years but his zest for life and huge heart remain. He is loved so much. He is about to undergo the radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism because I need to keep him around and healthy for as long as I can. You guys do such great work and I want you to know how much this particular little tabby cat that started his life with you guys has enriched my and my family’s lives. He is a treasure. I’m thinking of finding him a baby sister this Fall. Don’t you just love happy endings?