Leave a Lasting Legacy for Puget Sound Cats and Kittens
In 1988, a cat lover named Kathy Centala took a look around at her community. She saw far too many unwanted cats and kittens whose only option were, in most cases, overcrowded shelters with high euthanasia rates. Kathy wondered what could be done to improve the odds for these cats and quickly determined that the only solution was to take away the option of euthanasia completely.
Kathy had never run a shelter and the only thing she had less of than money was fundraising experience. She was determined to open the northwest’s first no-kill shelter and sanctuary, though. With hard work and perseverance, Kathy’s dream became a reality and Purrfect Pals was born. Kathy was a pioneer in the animal rescue world and the first to embrace the no-kill approach to sheltering. She advocated for spay and neuter in a time when it wasn’t a priority and was among the first to start altering kittens when they reached two pounds. She fought for cats with cats with special medical and behavioral needs including those with FIV and Feline Leukemia.
In our first thirty years, Kathy Centala and Purrfect Pals have provided second chances for tens of thousands of cats and kittens in the Puget Sound Region. We continue to fight for change, never losing sight of Kathy’s dream of a world where every cat, including those with special needs, is wanted. We are now a $1.7M organization and determined to end cat homelessness in our community.

Will You Help Purrfect Pals Make Kathy’s Dream a Reality?
We invite you to join us in the fight to end cat homelessness by becoming a member of our “Kathy’s Dream” Legacy Society. Leaving a planned gift to Purrfect Pals is a wonderful way to ensure that your love and compassion for animals continues to benefit them for many years to come. Your legacy gift will allow you to make a profound and lasting impact on the future of our lifesaving programs, supporting our long-term success and ensuring that your love of cats will be long remembered.
You do not need to be wealthy to leave a legacy gift to Purrfect Pals. Your estate is the sum of your assets, including property you own, insurance policies, retirement accounts, cash on hand, etc. Wealthy people may have very large estates, but even people who aren’t wealthy often have the resources to make a charitable bequest.
There are several ways you can contribute to the sustainability of Purrfect Pals with a legacy gift. Many of these options are a win-win for you and Purrfect Pals and we encourage you to consult with your financial advisor to discuss the tax implications of your estate planning.

Learn More
Printable Planned Giving Info

Contact our Team
Would you like to discuss planned giving and how you can leave a lasting legacy that will continue to help Purrfect Pals provide second chances for special cats and kittens long into the future? Please get in touch with Kathleen Olson, our Executive Director, at 360-926-8467 or give@purrfectpals.org.
Leave a Bequest to Purrfect Pals
There are a variety of options for donors when it comes to bequests. When naming Purrfect Pals in your will, you may leave a specific dollar amount, a set percentage of your estate, or a particular property. Below, we have listed some of the more common kinds of bequests, and some sample bequest language. We always recommend that you carefully review the terms of your will with a professional trained in handling trusts and estates.
Gifting a Specific Amount of Money
- “I give to Purrfect Pals, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Washington (Tax ID/EIN # 94-3127448), the sum of $_____________, for the benefit of Purrfect Pals and its general purposes.”
- If your gift involves land, stock or other property, please include a description:
- “I give to Purrfect Pals, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Washington, *insert a description of the property, e.g., “______ shares of stock in _____________ Company or “real property located at _______________ with a legal description of ____________________ to be used for its general use and purposes.”
- “I devise and bequeath the residue of the property, real and personal and wherever situated, owned by me at my death, to (name of beneficiary), if (she/he) survives me. In the event that _______________________________ (name of spouse, child, sibling…) shall not survive me, then I give the same to Purrfect Pals, a non-profit public benefit corporation, to be used in such manner as the Board of Directors of said Organization shall, in its sole discretion determine.” (OR, state gift condition.)
- “I give to Purrfect Pals, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Washington, all or ____% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general use and purposes.”
- A trust established by will or separate agreement would state, “Upon the death of _____________________ (spouse, child) the trustee shall distribute all of the then remaining principal and income of the trust, other than any amount due to ______________________, to Purrfect Pals, a non-profit public benefit corporation, to be used in such manner as the Board of Directors of said Organization shall, in its sole discretion determine.”
(i.e., The Tipper Fund, used by Purrfect Pals to pay for medical treatment above and beyond routine care).
- “I give, devise, and bequeath to Purrfect Pals, a nonprofit corporation of the State of Washington (Tax ID/EIN # 94-3127448), the sum of $_______ (or a description of a specific asset), for the benefit of Purrfect Pals to be used for the following purpose:
- (state the purpose). If at any time in the judgment of the trustees of Purrfect Pals it is impossible or impracticable to carry out exactly the designated purpose, they shall determine an alternative purpose closest to the designated purpose.”
Please Note: This information is not professional tax or legal advice; please consult an attorney or professional advisor to discuss your specific situation.