Wouldn't It Be Great if Cats Came with Owners Manuals?
Our Cat Resource Library is a collection of articles, videos and website links relating to topics including cat behavior, adoption, spay and neuter, veterinary resources, cat care provider referrals and more.
We are always on the lookout for great online resources which are complementary to our mission. We are open to suggestions but reserve the right to refuse or remove any listings.  Please email us with updates or suggestions.
Please Note: These resources are provided solely for the public’s information and convenience but the contents of external of third-party websites are beyond the control of Purrfect Pals. Links taken to other sites are done so at your own risk and Purrfect Pals accepts no liability for any linked sites or their content. Any link to an external website does not imply or mean that Purrfect Pals endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or the use of such website. Purrfect Pals does not give any representation regarding the quality, safety, suitability, or reliability of any external websites or any of the content or materials contained in them.